Thursday, January 12, 2012

Apple is expected to make an announcement on January 19th that they will be "hiring prominent textbook writers to create electronic versions of them for the iPad." In the recent biography of Steve Jobs, Mr. Jobs is quoted as stating "that he believed Apple could get around state certification processes for textbooks by making them free."
Read the full New York Times article...


Tom said...

I like Apple products a lot, but I’m skeptical. My guess is they are going to try to roll textbooks in their “app store” model. Higher Ed textbooks is a $10 Billion-a-year market and they want a piece of the action. I would be amazed if this saves students money… it will probably just shift some of it over to Apple (they keep 40% of everything sold through the app store). I hope I’m wrong, and maybe they will offer something of greater value like they did with iTunes U.

Tom said...

Here's some more great news: