Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Scholarship Available for Kellogg Institute (Dev Ed Faculty)

Two scholarships are available for the 2012 Kellogg Institute.

In a message received from Chareane Wimbley-Gouveia (Northwest Association for Developmental Education contact), she states:

"The Kellogg Institute for the Training and Certification of Developmental Educators is the nation's premier professional development experiences for full time and adjunct faculty who work with underprepared students." 

From the press release:

McGraw-Hill is proud to partner with The Kellogg Institute to provide the opportunity for two

innovative developmental educators to attend the 2012 Summer Institute (June 30-July 27,

2012) in Boone, NC. The first scholarship will be awarded to an adjunct instructor who has

demonstrated a commitment to the scholarship and best practices of developmental education.

Applicants will need to complete the accompanying forms and a 1-3 three page letter describing

how receiving the scholarship and attending the Kellogg Institute will improve the quality of

developmental education practices on his or her campus.

The second scholarship will be awarded to a full time faculty member who has demonstrated

leadership through successful participation in institution, state, or national committees, projects,

or other activities advancing the field of developmental education or learning assistance.

Preference will be given to the applicant who has made use of s technology for the purposes of

diagnosis, assessment (of students or program), remediation, or addressing other student

services need (i.e.: early alert, advising, tutoring).

The scholarships will include tuition to the Institute, room and board, and travel expenses. The

McGraw-Hill Developmental Educator Scholarship will be awarded by Hunter Boylan, Director of

the National Center for Development Education and Beth Mejia, Executive Director of

Developmental Education at McGraw-Hill, at the 2012 NADE conference during the Awards


For further details and application instructions, see
Or contact:
Kellogg Institute
National Center for Developmental Education
ASU Box 32098, Boone, NC 28608
Phone (828) 262-3057

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