Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Teachers as Storytellers

Conversations with Great Teachers. Sounds interesting, though I have to admit, I haven't yet read the book, so I can't give a recommendation.

The short blurb about this book, along with the link to a video of the author, got me thinking about Phil Venditti and Sally Gove's work "Good Stories for Good Learning."

From their website:
One day in 2004, Phil was telling a class at Clover Park Technical College about a communication concept. When he brought in a story from his own life which illustrated it, he noticed something: everyone in the classroom was paying attention. "What's going on here?" he asked himself. "Is my story really that wonderful?" Probably it wasn't, but this question led to more and more: "Do I use stories a lot in my teaching?" "Could I connect specific stories with specific ideas I want students to grasp?" "Does it matter if I tell a story about myself or about somebody else?" and so on... Read More

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