Thursday, May 31, 2012

Roueche Leaves U. Texas for For-Profit Institution Role

From Inside Higher Ed
Texas Shake-Up
May 30, 2012 - 3:00am
AUSTIN – John E. Roueche, the founder of the most established graduate program for aspiring community college leaders, located here at the University of Texas at Austin, is moving in July to National American University, a for-profit institution, where he will attempt to create a similar operation.
“We’ll be working with them to design and build a doctoral program,” said Roueche, who has led UT’s Community College Leadership Program for 41 years.

Read the full article...

Faculty Focus Newsletter

June 2012 issue of RTC’s Faculty Focus newsletter.

This issue will be posted online at Under the Faculty Focus heading, click on current issue as either a PDF file or a Word document. Links to back issues of Faculty Focus and Educational Media can also be found via the page.

In the next few months, the Faculty Focus newsletters will feature info about master teaching tips and Constitution Day programming. So if you have any tips, websites or other info on these or other topics, please let us know. We hope to maintain a monthly publishing schedule for the Faculty Focus newsletter but can only do that if you help us by providing some content. Thanks in advance for all your help – we appreciate it!

Comments, suggestions, questions? Please let us know. Thanks!
(on behalf of the Library’s publishing team of Eric Palo, Laura Staley and myself)

Progress: Prior Learning, Precollege, OCL

Summary of work that was done this year to meet requirements of HB 1795 and HB 1808 passed in 2011 and the efficiency study work.

HB 1795

· Washington 45 – list of courses that transfer to all public and most private BIs as general education requirements.  These will be posted on colleges' transfer web pages.

· List of courses that colleges offer that meet the distribution requirements of the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA). These will be posted on colleges' transfer web pages.

· Credit for Prior Learning – we now have a single point of contact for each college, a tracking mechanism for coding, a reciprocity agreement for prior learning credit, and each college is working toward more transparency of credit for prior learning information available to students.  Details on assessing and awarding credit for prior learning are available on the statewide PLA work group wiki.

HB 1808

· List of Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) test scores and general education equivalent courses. 

· Running Start 1.2 FTE – Colleges have done an incredible job of implementing this change.

Efficiency Study

· Single student identification number has been completed.

· Single location for third party funding information related to financial aid is available.

· Common priority financial aid application deadline is completed.

· Multiple measures used to determine student placement. Colleges are moving forward at a different pace.

· Adoption of one or more evidence-based instructional models for pre-college education. Colleges are implementing models that meet needs of their students.

· Pre-college pathway mapping was completed for ABE/ESL and developmental education.

· Pre-college placement reciprocity was adopted and will be implemented after a work group outlines process details.

· Open Course Library- first series of courses are available. Second series of courses are in development.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Online College Classes: A Resource for Students

About, a site "envisioned to be an educational resource for students." (Abby Ledford)

Education is an undeniable human right that is often taken for granted. At Online College Classes you will find resources offered by some of the finest educational institutions in the world in an exceptionally large variety of academic disciplines and topics. We want to help people realize their potential through eye-opening lecture series, online college courses, open courseware, online university texts and a plethora of informative multimedia. We provide language learning materials, podcasts, and academic research. Truly a comprehensive survey of modern and historical thought, Online College Classes offers a wealth of information.

Tegrity Recordings: What Students Want Instructors to Know

According to Jeff Johnson of Athens State U. in Alabama, students say that "even a bad Tegrity session is better than no Tegrity session." Jeff gave a presentation at the recent Tegrity Users Conference and shared what students considered to be best practices for use of Tegrity, based on the 180 responses he received from a student survey. See what students suggest...

View recordings of sessions at the Tegrity Users Conference...

Call for Chapter Proposals: Packaging Digital Information for Enhanced Learning and Analysis

Proposal Submission Deadline: July 15, 2012
Packaging Digital Information for Enhanced Learning and Analysis:  Data Visualization, Spatialization, Predictiveness, and Multidimensionality
A book edited by Dr. Shalin Hai-Jew
Kansas State University, USA
People live in information spaces.  Educators and instructional designers deal with a range of information that is presented in digital / electronic ways from a variety of academic fields.  There are real-time social networking nodes-link diagrams.  There are quantitative dashboards and interfaces with information from sensor networks or the back-end of learning systems.  There are data visualizations with full motion or animations.  With higher education and education turning towards data analytics as the next big advance, it is important to look at how information is gathered and then how it is visualized for accurate comprehension, analysis, and decision-making.  Optimally, data collection and visualization are about achieving information omniscience (as well as moving backwards and forwards in time) in real time for situational awareness.  There are pushes towards using complex tools for analyzing “big data” -- or large masses of information—in order to represent and to query it for value.  There are also attempts to thoroughly analyze the past and to use predictive analytics into the future.  This book will address issues of data collection and visualization for optimal learning and decision-making.  
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference).  Please visit This book is anticipated to be released in 2013.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or by mail to:
Dr. Shalin Hai-Jew

Thursday, May 17, 2012

OCL Courses on iTunes U

Today the Saylor Foundation released course materials for  18 courses on iTunes U, including 3 courses built from Open Course Library materials. Saylor has taken our course materials, improved upon them, and shared them openly so we all benefit.

1.       Beginning Algebra – based in part on OCL course by Tyler Wallace, Big Bend:

2.       Calculus I – based in part on OCL course by Dale Hoffman, Bellevue:

3.       Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology – based in part on OCL course by Scott Rollins, Spokane Falls:

Information provided by Tom Caswell,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Job Opening: Director of eLearning and Instructional Designer

Everett Community College has a position open:
Director of eLearning and Instructional Design
salary $62,000 to $70,000 per year plus benefits

For more details on this position...

For other job openings in Washington Community and Technical Colleges...

And, Sound Learning, formerly Mason County Literacy, is searching for a new Executive Director. Salary range $40,000-50,000. See for more details.

2012 Washington State Higher Education Legislative Bill Summary

The Legislative Bill Summary has been posted to the State Board Web site.

The Legislative Bill Summary includes the major higher education-related bills (including the operating and capital budget bills) passed by the 2012 Washington State Legislature. For each bill, there is a background and effect section explaining how the policy was developed and its impact upon passage.

It might be helpful to customize a message to each of your constituent groups regarding specific legislation included in the summary with direct impact to their work at the college. You may also want to look at the Washington State Legislature web site if you are looking for actual bill language and details.

Classroom Observations

I think you will find these documents created to inform classroom observation useful. The documents were created by Richard Holmgren, Chief Information Officer and Associate Dean of Allegheny College.

Look for "A Classroom Visit Model," and the "Principles of Classroom Observation" on the Allegheny web site at

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Librarian's Role in Student Learning Assessment

Check out this paper, An Essential Partner: The Librarian's Role in Student Learning Assessment, co-authored by Debra Gilchrist, Dean of Libraries and Institutional Effectiveness for Pierce College, and Megan Oakleaf, Assistant Professor, iSchool at Syracuse University.

In a recent posting, Bob Pacheco, Assessment Chair at MiraCosta College says:

Not only do librarians identify and assess outcomes in their own courses and training sessions, but they also act as indispensible bridges between classroom and online instruction and the burgeoning amount of information that undergirds the curriculum.   Librarians are essential interlocutors between the learner and the information to be mastered, helping students separate the academic wheat from the chaff.

Monday, May 14, 2012

RTC Faculty Learning Community Video

Renton Technical Colleges's "F2F: Learning from Each Other" Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a regular chance for faculty to meet and discuss books and teaching. Watch this short video to learn about teaching practices and ideas shared by members of this FLC.
More information about faculty learning communities...

eLearning Technology Presentations, Every Thursday - free, online

Open Office Hours and eLearning technology presentations, offered every Thursday at 1 PM, Pacific time. Educators and eLearning professionals from around the State of Washington and sometimes around the world come together online to share, learn and present. Any and all are welcome to attend.
Learn about these sessions and more on the Washington eLearning Community blog.

Free Public Speaking Course, Available Through the Open Course Library

May 22 CCCOER Webinar: Public Speaking with the Open Course LibraryMay 3, 2012
Please join us May 22nd, 1:00 pm Eastern for a webinar with the course designer and professor who developed the very popular Public Speaking course for the Open Course Library. Find out how the curriculum was designed using open educational resources to meet course standards for both a technical and community college and to enhance student engagement in the classroom. You may download this course and use it as-is in your classroom or may modify it to meet your unique college and student population needs.
Featured Speakers are:
Open Course Library Washington State
Open Course Library WA
  • Professor Phil Vendetti, Clover Park Technical College, WA
  • Instructional Designer Ellen Bremen, Highline Community College, WA
  • Students of Professor Vendetti
Go here to login to webinar and click Connect
You may use a headset to speak or dial-in:
(888) 886-3951
Enter your passcode: 391870

*0 – Contact the operator for audio assistance
*6 – Mute/unmute your individual line
Test Your Computer Readiness
CCC Confer Client Services – Monday – Friday between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Phone: 760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554

Friday, May 11, 2012

Open - Executive Director Position, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Invitation to Apply
The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges invites applications and nominations for the position of Executive Director.
As chief administrator for the State Board, the Executive Director represents the Board and the community and technical college system to the state’s citizens, executive and legislative branches of government, higher education institutions, business and industry, and state and federal agencies.
Further information...

Online education could potentially push colleges up the value chain

The Campus Tsunami

The most important and paradoxical fact shaping the future of online learning is this: A brain is not a computer. We are not blank hard drives waiting to be filled with data. People learn from people they love and remember the things that arouse emotion. If you think about how learning actually happens, you can discern many different processes. There is absorbing information. There is reflecting upon information as you reread it and think about it. There is scrambling information as you test it in discussion or try to mesh it with contradictory information. … How are [colleges] going to blend online information with face-to-face discussion, tutoring, debate, coaching, writing and projects? How are they going to build the social capital that leads to vibrant learning communities? Online education could potentially push colleges up the value chain — away from information transmission and up to higher things.

The New York Times, April 29, 2012

The Association Summer Conference is Coming!

The ASSOCIATION was established on May 12,1982 by a group of college presidents, staff from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, and the Northwest Program Development Center (now the Center for Learning Connections).  The ASSOCIATION continues to promote professional growth and development for Washington's community college administrators and the state community college system and strives to develop and promote leadership and managerial perspectives on issues relating to higher education.

 Happy Birthday to The ASSOCIATION! 

The ASSOCIATION Summer Conference will be a time to celebrate the 30 years of providing quality professional development to administrators and exempt community and technical college staff.

 July 19 & 20 at Clark College in Vancouver, WA


  • Craig Zablocki on humor in the workplace
  • Shann Ferch  Professor of Leadership Studies, Chair, Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies, Gonzaga University, Editor, The International Journal of Servant Leadership to talk on Appreciative Inquiry and Servant Leadership.
  • Lynell James, Senior Vice President for Human Resources, TIAA-CREF on your personal well being

Plus more exciting sessions to be announced, AND...

A special Awards and Anniversary celebration banquet at The Heathman Lodge on Thursday night!

BRING the family to enjoy Vancouver!

Special rates at The Heathman Lodge of $113 - ask for "The Association CTC"  rate - 1-888-475-3100
REGISTER NOW to be a part of this event:

Registration fee of $260 (for member colleges) includes lunch and banquet on Thursday, breakfast and lunch on Friday, plus materials, including a workbook for Thursday's session.

Catherine (Kati) Hays
Executive Director, The Association
Columbia Basin College

Monday, May 7, 2012

Empowering Faculty to Drive Completion Efforts

Subject: Empowering Faculty to Drive Completion Efforts


 States wrestling with the challenge of increasing community college student completion rates recognize that a critical next step is building support among faculty for reform efforts. Empowering faculty to take a substantive role in informing policy decisions, while also supporting pedagogical and curricular changes in their classroom, has proven to be a successful strategy employed by several states.

 This JFF publication highlights three key ways that states can help institutions to deepen the engagement of adjunct and full-time faculty in high-priority, completion-focused reforms and marks the progress of 11 states toward following these steps:

 • Step 1: Nurturing Faculty Leadership in Policymaking: Enlist faculty on state-level committees and research projects charged with recommending policy and programmatic changes.

• Step 2: Nurturing Faculty Development in the Classroom: Expand the availability of professional development to prepare faculty for the need to teach differently.

• Step 3: Nurturing Faculty Capacity to Use Data: Help faculty make better use of data on student outcomes to inform classroom practices and state policies.

 We encourage you to share this publication with your colleagues, newsletter readers, and other networks.



Jayme Rubenstein

Public Relations Specialist

 Jobs for the Future

617.728.4446 x152

Twitter: @JFFtweets

Flip the Classroom with TED-Ed

25 April 2012

Flip this lesson! A new way to teach with video from TED-Ed

Announcing a new way to use video to create customized lessons: the “Flip This Lesson” feature from TED-Ed, now in beta at

With this feature, educators can use, tweak, or completely redo any video lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on a TEDTalk or any video from YouTube. How? Just plug the video in and start writing questions, comments, even quizzes — then save the lesson as a private link and share with your students. The site allows you to see who’s completed the lessons and track individual progress. It’s still in beta, but we’re so excited about this feature we had to share.

Watch the short video to learn how it works:

“Flip This Lesson” is an open platform — you can create a lesson from any video, whether from the TED-Ed library, from more than 1,000 TEDTalks, or from any video on YouTube. Read Chris Anderson’s blog post about why we built TED-Ed as an open platform. Read the full press announcement here. And explore a sample lesson Chris made as a proof-of-concept, based on a great new TED-Ed talk.

Then — go forth and write lessons of your own!