Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Continued Support for ANGEL - What does this mean to WA State?

Bb made a few unexpected decisions this week, including the decision to continue their support for ANGEL, "indefinitely." What does that mean for all of us in Washington who are currently using ANGEL, but were faced with support ending in 2014? Too soon to know.

In a surprise move education software giant Blackboard Inc. acquires Moodlerooms, the largest north american provider of Moodle services, adds Sakai inventor to leadership team and launches open source services to provide scalable capabilities to the Higher Education Marketplace.


Liz said...

Somehow all the aquisitioning makes me fear the "open" in open resourcse is going to be comprimised.....
And how are we to trust someone who keeps changing their minds so much (about things that affect a LOT of people....)

Scott in Washington said...

What this development means to people who use ANGEL at a college in Washington will differ from college to college. 23 colleges are currently a members of a shared consortium (WAOL)that will be moving off ANGEL between now and June of 2014. Several other colleges in the state have their own installations of ANGEL and may make different plans.

The following is from a frequently asked questions document sent out this morning, intended to help explain the decision to move WAOL from ANGEL to Instructure Canvas, "Q: Blackboard said on Monday that they would not end ANGEL. Why not stay on ANGEL?
A: Blackboard did not say how long they would support ANGEL, and we already know that they have stopped developing the product line. The LMS RFP committee agreed to continue with our existing process to choose a new learning management system."