Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Leading from the Middle - SBCTC and Legislative Process

Understanding the SBCTC and Legislature MODULE
 March 30, 2012   9:00-4:00

1300 Quince St. SE
Olympia, WA
4th Floor, Cascade Room

 Previous participants said:
 “It more than met my expectations.”
“It was informative and thought provoking”

Topics Include:
·         SBCTC Board and State Board Staff
·         CTC System Structures –
Associations, Commissions, Councils and Committees
·         Legislative Issues and Processes Affecting Higher Education
·         Interagency Relations in Higher Education
*      This affordable one-day training is presented by State Board for Community and Technical Colleges professionals, Noreen Light and John Boesenberg.

*      You may participate in the SBCTC/Legislative Module alone or as part of the four Leading from the Middle modules (Professional Development, Budget and Finance, and Human Recourses) which will be offered quarterly in your region.

*      Fee for individuals is $90.00 per module – includes coffee and lunch
*      This comprehensive training is intended for CTC employees who are:
*new to a leadership position
*new to the Washington CTC system
*making a transition from faculty to exempt position
*have never had training for a leadership position
*any community or technical college employee wanted to expand their knowledge

 For more information, contact Kati Hays


Brought to you by The ASSOCIATION of Community and Technical College Administrators and Exempt Staff

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