Friday, February 24, 2012

Opportunity for Faculty Development: American History, War of 1812

Deadline has been March 7th.

The National Endowment for the Humanities and the Creative Learning Factory at the Ohio Historical Society are seeking Summer Scholars to participate in NEH Landmarks in American History workshops on the War of 1812 in the Great Lakes and Western Territories. Community College faculty are eligible to participate.
The application deadline has been extended to March 7, 2012.

Participants will have the opportunity to visit prominent sites from the war and explore diverse aspects of the conflict with renowned scholars like Alan Taylor, Andrew Cayton, David Skaggs, Gregory Dowd, Susan Sleeper-Smith, and others. Faculty will lead the group through the various social, political, cultural, military, and economic components of the war from its origins through its aftermath. Topics will include the nature of the military and naval conflict, the role of Native Americans, the degree to which the conflict should be seen as a Civil War, as well as the war’s broader political and social dimensions. We will tour several prominent historical sites in this key borderlands region, including Fort Meigs, Perry’s Victory and International Peace Monument, and the River Raisin Battlefield. The workshop is timed for the bicentennial of the conflict and is designed to help provide resources and knowledge for Community College faculty who teach this period of United States history. The broader perspective that we will take would also make it suitable for those who teach western civilization, world or Atlantic history, or history-related fields like anthropology, American studies, war and peace studies, or Native American studies.

These workshops will be offered July 22-27, 2012 and August 5-10, 2012 in Toledo, Ohio, a city in the heart of the war’s narrative. There is no fee to participate in this program and all participants will receive a $1,200 stipend to help defray travel and lodging expenses.

Go to for more information and to learn how to learn how to participate. Applications are due March 7th!

Please also feel free to contact me with any questions,
Betsy Hedler, Ph.D.
Project Coordinator
The War of 1812 in the Northwest
NEH Landmarks of American History
Ohio Historical Society
800 E. 17th Ave. (new street address)
Columbus, OH 43211
Fax: 614-297-2567

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