Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Minimizing Your Workload When Teaching Online

 Tue. Feb. 28, 2012, 2 pm (PT)

With Stephanie Delaney, 
Associate Dean, Seattle Central Community College
Cost: Free!
Location: Online
Register from the web page (link will be sent to you by the morning of the webinar).
One of the common complaints of teaching online is that it takes so much time. However, that does not have to be the case. Through the intentional structuring of your course(s), creative grading strategies and effective use of your LMS, you can save hours every week while improving outcomes for students.

About the Presenter 
Dr. Stephanie Delaney is the Associate Dean of eLearning at Seattle Central Community College. Using her Ph.D. in educational leadership in higher education/distance education earned from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Stephanie guides faculty in eLearning pedagogy and supports students in learning successfully online. She also teaches online courses in law and the global environment, making use of her law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law and a master’s degree in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School.  Stephanie lives in Seattle with her husband and son.

This was a FREE online session sponsored by the NW eLearning Community!
 A recording will be made of this webinar and it will be available from the NWeLearn web site.
Sponsored by NW eLearning Community (NWeLearn).  Watch for the announcement of the 2012 NWeLearn Conference, tentatively planned for mid October 2012.  It’s a great conference at a great price!

Check out the session recordings from NWeLearn 2011

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