Una Daly has invited you to the
event 'CCCOER Webinar: OER Faculty Development -- Three Successful Models' on
College Open Textbooks Community!
See more details and RSVP on
College Open Textbooks Community:
Friday, September 28, 2012
CCCOER Webinar: OER Faculty Development -- Three Successful Models
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Just for Fun: My Blackberry is Not Working
"My Blackberry is Not Working"
No theory, no learning outcomes, no assessments...this posting is just for fun!
Click for 3 minutes of geeky giggles...
No theory, no learning outcomes, no assessments...this posting is just for fun!
Click for 3 minutes of geeky giggles...
Fall ASSOCIATION Conference
The Fall
ASSOCIATION Conference~ November 16 ~ Everett Community College
Featuring: Howard Behar, former President of
Starbucks and Futurist David Pearce Snyder
Registration is Limited - Register NOW!
Contact Kati Hays, Executive Director, chays@columbiabasin.edu
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Politics of Civil Rights
Pierce College Puyallup Presents Artists and Speakers Series
Race to the White House:
The politics of civil rights with Julian Bond
October 18, 7:00pm
$10 general, $5 Pierce students
Arts and Allied Health Theatre
Pierce College Puyallup
1601 39 Ave SE
Puyallup, WA
Order tickets by phone at (253) 840-8416
or in person in the College Center, Room 210, at Pierce College Puyallup.
Order tickets by phone at (253) 840-8416
or in person in the College Center, Room 210, at Pierce College Puyallup.
A lifetime champion of civil rights and former chairman of the NAACP, Julian Bond has been on the forefront of social change since the 1960s, when he led voting drives and sit-ins, and was the first African-American nominated for U.S. Vice President. He continues this important work today. At Pierce College Puyallup, he will deliver a powerful speech on the struggles of Americans for equity, diversity and civil rights.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Blended Learning MOOC
MOOC on Blended Learning
The University of Central
Florida (UCF) announces the second offering of its popular MOOC (massive open
online course) for blended learning faculty and designers: BlendKit2012.
Based around the open-licensed BlendKit Course instructional materials
contained within the http://BlendedLearningToolkit.org
web site, BlendKit2012 will run as a five-week cohort (from Monday,
September 24 to Monday, October 29, 2012) facilitated by UCF’s Dr. Kelvin
Thompson and Dr. Linda Futch. The goal of BlendKit2012 is to provide assistance
in designing and developing your blended learning course via a consideration of
key issues related to blended learning and practical step-by-step guidance in
helping you produce actual materials for your blended course (i.e., from design
documents through creating content pages to peer review feedback at your own
institution). Unlike many traditional courses, registrants are encouraged to
select the course components they find relevant as they participate at one of
several engagement levels (i.e., completer, participant, auditor). Course
components include regular communications from facilitators, weekly readings,
hands-on tasks, a variety of real time and asynchronous interaction
opportunities, and weekly webinars with experienced blended learning
Registration is free
of charge.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Open Education Resource Consortium Webinars
Details: Complete Fall 2012 CCCOER Webinar Lineup
No preregistration; no fees.
No preregistration; no fees.
September 25, 2012, 1:00 PM EST
how three OER adoption projects formed sustainable communities of faculty and
staff to customize open textbooks and OER to better meet the needs of students
at their colleges. This webinar features Kaleidoscope Project at College of the
Redwoods, Cuyahoga Community College, and Scottsdale Community College on their
challenges and wins in finding, evaluating, and adapting high-quality OER to
replace high cost publisher textbooks.
October 9, 2012, 1:00 PM EST
how three faculty development models drive the use of open textbooks and OER to
improve instructional outcomes at community colleges. Models focused on
finding, creating, and sharing open content for existing courses. Presenters
include Dean of online and distribute learning at a San Diego Community College
District, Director of distance and accelerated learning at College of the
Canyons, and an instructional designer at a community college.
October 30, 2012, 1:00 PM EST
how to support the diverse students at our community colleges by selecting and
creating “accessible” open textbooks and OER to provide equitable learning
opportunities regardless of disability. Featured speakers include the director
of Literacy at BookShare, the largest online library for students with print
disabilities, and the educational technology department chair from Cerritos
College who trains faculty on creating and evaluating instructional materials
for accessibility compliance.
November 13, 2012, 1:00 PM EST
MOOCs: An Evolving Model of Curriculum Delivery and
Assessment MOOCs have been a hot topic in the higher education
blogosphere for the last year but how do you separate the fact from the fiction
and should your college be participating in the latest trend for online content
delivery and credentialing of students. Learn the ins and outs of MOOCs from
these experts from British Columbia Institute of Technology, Open Study, and
University of Central Florida.
December 4. 2012, 1:00 PM EST
us for the latest research findings on learning outcomes and feedback from
students and teachers on use and creation of open textbook, open courses, and
OER. Florida Virtual Campus will be reporting on the last three years of
research with the Open Access Textbook project. The Next Generation Learning
Grant funded projected Bridge-2-Success will report on their work at Ann Arundel
and 20 other pilot colleges working with students who are entering or
transitioning back to college after extended time out from school.
Una Daly, MA
Community College Outreach Director
Open Courseware Consortium.org
Una Daly, MA
Community College Outreach Director
Open Courseware Consortium.org
2012 CTC Best Practices Exchange
October 30, 2012
Clover Park Technical College
Washington State Community and Technical Colleges are each invited to send a team (4-6 people) to the third annual statewide Best Practices Exchange to discuss strategies and lessons learned that lead to student achievement and transition from pre-college (adult basic education and developmental education) through the Tipping Point and beyond! See the invitation below for details. NWeLearn 2012 Conference
NWeLearn 2012 Conference - October 17-19, 2012 in Portland,
Where teaching, learning & tech converge. Not just for
online & hybrid!
Earlybird registration extended through Sept. 24.
Join us for the region’s most cost-effective and interesting
Register online now for the 7th annual Northwest eLearning Conference in Portland, OR on Oct. 17 -
19, 2012!.
Preconference workshops, Wed. Oct. 17 in the afternoon
Conference, Oct. 18 & 19.
$25 Pre-Conference, $75 Conference (early-bird rate –
register by Sept. 24)
$35 Pre-Conference, $100 Conference (after Sept. 24)
One-day rates available too!
Keynote: Learner Engagement in a Distracted
World, by Roger Courville, author of The Virtual Presenter’s
Handbook. Roger is an expert in the human factors of web conferencing and
an internationally sought after speaker on how to transform attention and
results in the virtual classroom. He will also lead an interactive breakout
session. More info is available on the NWeLearn website.
Who can benefit: Faculty, eLearning professionals
& technologists, librarians, administrators, anyone interested in or using
technology in education, and particularly those involved in distance, hybrid or
enhanced face-to-face classes.
Location: Portland State University’s University Place Hotel & Conference Center. Lodging is
available on-site with a special rate. See the travel and hotel page for details.
What to Expect: Preconference sessions, then two days
of sessions (see schedule grid) presented by colleagues like you as well as our
vendors, plus terrific meals, a Thursday evening reception, time for networking,
and door prizes. You'll also have opportunity to see the beautiful area around
Vancouver and Portland, Oregon.
Organizers: The Northwest eLearning Community, a
consortium of eLearning professionals from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Learn
more at www.nwelearn.org
Director of eLearning
Director of eLearning
NWeLearn Past-chair
WebCT/Bb Senior Level Certified Trainer
Columbia Basin College
Pasco, WA 99301 -3379jlewis@columbiabasin.edu
WebCT/Bb Senior Level Certified Trainer
Columbia Basin College
Pasco, WA 99301 -3379jlewis@columbiabasin.edu
509-547-0511, ext 2465
509-546-0401 fax
509-547-0511, ext 2465
509-546-0401 fax
Faculty and Staff of Color Conference - Early Bird Rates
are 11 days left to register at the EARLY BIRD rate!
Click Here for More Information
The 2012 conference will be held in Bellingham, WA at the Best Western Lakeway Inn & Conference Center, October 31 - November 2.
Conference highlights include:
Dynamic keynotes from:
o Darryl Brice, Ph.D.
o Barry Moses
o Larry Estrada, Ph.D.
Variety of engaging workshops & networking with Faculty and Staff from across the State!
We look forward to seeing you in Bellingham!
WA Faculty and Staff of Color Conference Planning Committee
PS – Conference lodging rates at the Best Western Lakeway are valid until September 28, 2012 – Reserve your room today! Click Here for More Information
Click to Tell a Friend
Click Here for More Information
The 2012 conference will be held in Bellingham, WA at the Best Western Lakeway Inn & Conference Center, October 31 - November 2.
Conference highlights include:
Dynamic keynotes from:
o Darryl Brice, Ph.D.
o Barry Moses
o Larry Estrada, Ph.D.
Variety of engaging workshops & networking with Faculty and Staff from across the State!
We look forward to seeing you in Bellingham!
WA Faculty and Staff of Color Conference Planning Committee
PS – Conference lodging rates at the Best Western Lakeway are valid until September 28, 2012 – Reserve your room today! Click Here for More Information
Click to Tell a Friend
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
MOOCs Moving to Mainstream?
From the Chronicle of Higher Education:
Gates Foundation Offers Grants for MOOC’s in Introductory Classes
September 11, 2012, 5:00 am
Hundreds of thousands of students worldwide are flocking to free online courses in topics like artificial intelligence and data analysis. But what about the student who’s struggling with basic algebra or English composition?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation wants to find out whether the massive open online courses that have proved so popular in advanced and often highly technical fields offer the same promise for remedial and introductory courses.
Full article...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation wants to find out whether the massive open online courses that have proved so popular in advanced and often highly technical fields offer the same promise for remedial and introductory courses.
Full article...
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Cracking the Credit Hour
This report explains where our (higher education) irrational policies came from, and how to fix them. The answer begins with the basic currency of higher education: the credit hour.
Read the full report from Amy Laitinen and the New America Foundation and Education Center...
Prior Learning, State-by-State Comparison
Interesting document, State Policy Approaches to Support Prior Learning Assessment, produced by College Productivity (managed by HCM Strategists) and the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).Throughout the document, individual state policies are compared and contrasted. Of particular interest is the state-by-state comparison of PLA-related legislation, which begins on page 20.
Monday, September 10, 2012
2012 Race & Pedagogy Conference
Race, Education, and Criminal Justice Conference
October 6, 2012
The 2012 Race & Pedagogy Conference on Race, Education, and Criminal Justice will engage diverse participants in a rigorous examiniation of the systemic, entrenched, and historically-grounded dynamics connecting racial disparities in education and incarceration.Action-oriented dialogue will focus on building collaborations, dismantling the brutal pipeline that leads children frm schools to prisons, and transforming systems that produce stigma and disenfranchisement into ones that release human potential and promote lifelong learning, civic revitalization, compassion, and care.
Please join us Saturday, October 6, at the University of Puget Sound. It will be a day of learning and teaching, of connecting and caring, and of questioning and partnering for action.
What is the conference about? Why is the conference important?
How would participating in the conference related to my work, family, school, and community?
Who are the keynote and plenary speakers?
What are some of the facts & figures about race, education, and criminal justice?
2012 Faculty and Staff of Color Conference
| ||
The 17th Annual WA-Faculty and Staff of Color Conference will be held in Bellingham, WA at the Best Western Lakeway Inn & Conference Center, October 31 – November 2. Conference highlights include: * Dynamic keynotes from: - Dr. Daryl Brice, Ph.D. - Barry Moses - Dr. Larry Estrada, Ph.D. * Variety of engaging workshops * Networking with Faculty and Staff from across the State Please visit the FSOCC website for a detailed overview of the 2012 conference agenda and to register today! 2012 WA-FSOCC Fees & Deadlines $225.00 - Early Bird Registration October 1, 2012 $250.00 - Registration October 15, 2012 $275.00 - Late Registration October 30, 2012 $300.00 - On-site Registration October 31, 2012 Cancellation/Refund Policy:
PLEASE NOTE non-payment does not constitute cancellation. No-Shows: If you are registered and do not attend the conference, you will be assessed the full conference fee for which you have registered. CONFERENCE LOCATION The conference hotel is the Best Western Lakeway Inn & Conference Center. Conference rates will be available until September 28, 2012 or block has filled. To reserve your room, please contact the hotel directly at 360.671.1011. We look forward to seeing you in Bellingham! WA Faculty and Staff of Color Conference Planning Committee |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Textbook Costs
Great graphic on cost of textbooks. Thanks to Phil Venditti of Clover Park Techical College for sharing it.
TED-ed Lessons Worth Sharing (Videos)
Looking for videos to use in your classroom?
check out TED-ed's lessons worth sharing:
check out TED-ed's lessons worth sharing:
New Faculty Institute and Learning Community
Today is day two of the face-to-face Washington State Community and Technical Colleges' New Faculty Institute. More than 100 faculty are participating in this event. They have been enthusiastically engaged in discussions and activities, offering a wide range of perspectives on the session topics.
This two day institute will be followed by a year-long New Faculty Learning Community experience, including six monthly online modules in Canvas, two monthly online conferencing opportunities using Bb Collaborate, individual reflections on teaching using Blogger, and lots of opportunities to learn from and with other faculty from across the state.
For more information on the New Faculty Learning Community, contact Noreen Light at
nlight AT sbctc.edu
This two day institute will be followed by a year-long New Faculty Learning Community experience, including six monthly online modules in Canvas, two monthly online conferencing opportunities using Bb Collaborate, individual reflections on teaching using Blogger, and lots of opportunities to learn from and with other faculty from across the state.
For more information on the New Faculty Learning Community, contact Noreen Light at
nlight AT sbctc.edu
From Emily Wood, Pierce College:
Here's a detailed article about a flexbook, breaking down student use and perceptions: http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/kansas-state-university-human-nutrition-hn-400-flexbook
Here's a detailed article about a flexbook, breaking down student use and perceptions: http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/kansas-state-university-human-nutrition-hn-400-flexbook
Thursday, September 6, 2012
ACT 2012 Report on College Readiness
ACT has released their annual report The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2012, focusing on the scores earned by graduating seniors of the class of 2012 who took the ACT college and career readiness exam in high school. Among the results -- 28 percent did not meet any of the four ACT College Readiness Benchmarks in English, mathematics, reading and science, suggesting they are likely to struggle in first-year college courses in those subject areas. Only 25 percent met all four ACT benchmarks. College readiness levels remain particularly low among African American and Hispanic students.
The full national report and each state ACT report are available athttp://www.act.org/newsroom/data/2012/index.html. View the Washington State report.
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