Welcome to the Toolkit
for Veteran Friendly Institutions. Created by the American
Council on Education (ACE), this online resource is designed to help
institutions of higher education build effective programs for veteran students
and share information. It highlights a variety of best practices and includes
video clips, profiles of student veterans programs across the U.S., and a searchable
database of tools and resources. http://vetfriendlytoolkit.org/
The Post-secondary Sector Essentially Powers Ontario’s Knowledge Economy.
By equating our college and university sectors as Ontario’s centres of creativity, innovation, and knowledge, Strengthening pays our 24 public colleges and 20 public universities the high compliment they are indeed due... The big question is whether the changes that will unfold will be changes of our choosing, or accidents that are the unintended consequences of technology disruption in a strategic vacuum.
Let’s set the stage for a forward discussion by putting forth the proposition that following five concurrent phenomena are now disrupting post-secondary education and will, in our opinion, lead to transformational change.If this is true, the big question is whether the changes that will unfold will be of our choosing, or accidents that are the unintended consequences of technology disruption in a strategic vacuum....
Contact North identifies the following five phenomena affecting post-secondary education:
1. Online Education
2. MOOCs
3. ePortfolio
4. Outcomes Assessment
5. Course Credit Aggregation
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